Only a Second Revolution Will Save the Majority of the American People


Republicans, Democrats, and the media have surrendered to Trump. His fascist regime is growing, and America has been destroyed. Only a second revolution can take our country back, and the time is now.

Here are the facts. Donald Trump is a proven white supremacist, a sexual predator, and a man with no moral compass. For more than five years he has been an asset for Russian President Vladimir Putin, who hacked into our political system and aided Trump in his win on November 8th. FBI Director, James Comey, is under the control of Robert Mercer, and therefore the Trump administration. The election was rigged by those who supported a Trump presidency, and feared a strong woman who would have protected our democracy. Trump’s selections of his cabinet and inner circle are composed of white supremacists and fascists who will destroy our democracy. The media supports the surrender of our Constitutional rights, and will allow Trump to act as he pleases without a single honest evaluation of who he is, and the danger he presents to our nation’s future.

If you deny any of these facts, you are a coward and a traitor to your country. If we, the great majority of our nation’s people, do not take back our country, the United States of America is to become a reference in history.

I am a man of logic, and have never considered myself to be a man who openly confronts authority. However, the debacle of this controversial and questionable election has produced a rare patriotic effect. I love the country which nurtured me for 70 years. I cannot deny that there have been many “bumps in the road,” but I previously believed that good men and women would prevail and my nation would remain on the road to freedom and equality for all. I no longer see that as a truth.

I am the least likely person in America to be involved in a conspiracy theory, but in this case, the facts are all there. It all began when Trump declared his intention to win the Republican nomination. Immediately the media began its campaign to falsely accuse Hillary Clinton of being “untrustworthy.” Then they covered Trump and his rallies five-times more than any other candidate. They gave him a free pass when he was proven to be a racist and a bigot, and when he promised to ban all Muslim refugees from entering the United States, they ignored his intentions. When three tapes were revealed an proved that Trump was a sexist, a misogynist, and a rapist, the media gave him a free pass. When more than a dozen women accused him of sexual assault, the media ignored the allegations, although they hounded Bill Cosby for the same insinuations. When the NSA confirmed that Vladimir Putin was intentionally interfering in our election system, no one in the mainstream media reported these facts.

Fascism is the new order, and as Trump said “he will protect the homeland.” I have witnessed hundreds of changes in my nation. Some were positive as our nation grew from the dark ages, while most of the world advanced. Others, primarily in the last 20 years, have witnessed a retreat into the evils of our past. With the election of Trump, I see all of the advances of more than 60 years cast aside, as the most deplorable men in our nation have control over all of our country’s people.

Ignorant women and men have allowed the most immoral and unqualified man in our nation’s history to declare himself the leader of the free world. He does not believe in freedom; he believes in world domination. He follows Hitler and others who believe that whites are superior, and the world is a better place under the control of extremists.

You must trust me about all of this and re-post. Our government, and the media are in collusion to take control of our nation’s people. Profit before people is the mantra of the minority, while the intention of enslaving the majority moves forward.

If you believe that I sound a bit insane, you may be slightly correct. I have witnessed many changes, as I previously stated, but I have never feared for my nation in the past. I am a “Constitutionalist;” a man who believes in every word of the law of the land. If I am one of the few, I am both proud and fearful. I have loved my country for most of my life until one of our two major parties decided to ignore the majority and support special interests. Now they have a leader who does not believe in democracy, freedom of speech, or equal protection under the law.

Time and facts will prove that Trump won the election because outside forces influenced the results. He is not my president, and should not be accepted by any true American. If the American people continue to accept what our government tell us, we are sheep led to slaughter. All of Washington is a facade. They do not care about the American people; they care about themselves. We must revolt against all of them. Money is their god, and the principles of our founding fathers have no importance. Trump is proof that America exists only in the memory of individuals such as myself who demand more from our president, and all elected officials.

I denounce my government, and refuse to offer my loyalty to corrupt and immoral individuals.


By James Turnage

Follow me on twitter; @jamesturnagenov

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