The 2016 Election was a War; and the “Good Guys” Lost; Are You Willing to Lose again in 2018?

Trump Rally (2)

During the 2016 election Hillary and Bernie attempted to discuss the issues. Meanwhile, Trump was waging a war. He personally and maliciously attacked every Democrat and anyone else who defied him with lies and innuendos. He used every weapon at his disposal including lies and hate mongering. Not only was Hillary portrayed unfairly, to say the least, and thanks to the cowardly television media, but some members of the Republican Party received childish but effective ridicule and lies from Trump at his hate-filled rallies and at the faux-debates. Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz experienced vicious and fallacious tirades from the most immoral man in America.

Now I must be honest here; I was and am not a fan of Christie, Rubio, or Cruz. Christie and Cruz later bowed to America’s fuhrer, and Rubio is simply worthless as a United States Senator. His ignorance and loyalty to the Koch brothers and other billionaires is repulsive.

But what did not happen was a counterattack from the left. Hillary attempted to defend herself; big mistake. Attacking Trump with the many deficiencies and failures in his personal and business life should have been the focus. “All is fair in love and war,” and playing nice results in defeat during wartime.

I am not denying the fact that Trump had help from a foreign nation, but if the left had treated this conflict for what it was, Putin would have failed; today he is the “president’s puppeteer.”

Trump is the easiest target in American history. He fails to possess a single redeeming quality. He is a hollow man whose personal ambitions supersede everything else in his unaccomplished life. He is a confirmed criminal, a sexual predator, a leader of the white supremacist movement, and a man without principles or morals. He fails to consider the plight of any American who is not a billionaire or millionaire.

What will you do in November? Will you raise a white flag and once again surrender to the traitors on the right wing of American politics, or will you arm yourself and join the revolution to take back your country from the imposters? If Trump loses control of congress, he will resort to his true self; a whimpering, spoiled child who is exposed for all to see. Putin will have lost his war against America.

I may be an old man, but I loved this country for 70 years of my life; the last two, not so much. FOX Noise, and every right-wing politician has proven to be a traitor to the American people. This is a war we cannot lose; if we do succumb to the party of Trump and his puppeteer, Vladimir Putin, every great moment in our nation’s history will have been for nothing. If the United States disappears from the planet, every nation whose people believe in justice and freedom will be doomed.

This war is bigger than the vast majority of Americans understand; this is a fight for the survival of mankind.

Am I being overly dramatic? Definitely not. Many of the events which are happening today were predicted by yours truly years ago. The reasons the mainstream media is not telling the truth is based on money and fear of reprisal by right wing supporters. Advertising is responsible for half-truths and the suppression of facts. I do not have that problem.

Trump and Putin began their plan for a new world order in 1987 during Trump’s visit to Moscow. The Christopher Steele dossier, which was composed in 2013, confirms this fact. Only Republicans deny these now confirmed revelations of treason by your illegitimate president.

Freedom for the people of the world depends on the actions of our nation’s citizens in the next few months.

For years I and a few others who do not have the exposure of millions of readers like the mainstream media have offered the truth. The once respected fourth estate has joined America’s capitalistic society and revealing the complete truth is less important than profit.

I am writing this in hope; hope that the American people will wake up and see the truth. Our nation has been invaded; first by Russian agents during our election, and now by a Russian agent who illegitimately pretends to be the President of the United States.

This is our f**king country; let’s take it back. Vote every Republican out of office in November. Never stop marching in the streets and demanding that our government respects the Constitution and serves the people who elected them.

I am a patriot and any man or woman who denies the truth is not a true American.

Please tell everyone you know that I am offering the truth and give them my link. Thank you and God bless America.

Op-ed by James Turnage


My six novels are available on the free Amazon Kindle app; CLICK HERE

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