Eight Years of “Birther” Attacks, and Racism Reveal the Real Donald Trump


If you take a close look at Donald Trump’s history, it is obvious why he hired a white supremacist to be the CEO of his campaign. The media never asked the question, but many of us who care about our nation’s future did: “Why did former Breitbart president Steve Bannon become the main man in Trump’s campaign?” During his time with the extremist right wing rag, he wrote and approved many articles which were racist, bigoted, homophobic, and misogynist. However, if we scrutinize Trump, something the media refuses to do, we understand that this was a logical move for the “orange man.” For eight years, Trump continues to claim that President Obama was not born a United States citizen. Racism.

Adding to Trump’s disreputable staff is David Bossie. His title is unimportant. Bossie is an attack dog. He has attempted to discredit the Clintons since 1992. He has no talent and no other purpose.

As demonstrated tonight during the national security forum, Trump was unable to answer any questions directly, and fake-journalist Matt Lauer allowed him to get away with his tactic of avoidance. Although he began by asking both candidates to refrain from attacks, that is all Trump was allowed to do. No one knows what he would do as Commander in Chief.

I am embarrassed for my fellow Americans. To believe that even one true patriot could support a man who is the worst America has to offer is unforgivable. Trump has no positive qualities, and no qualifications to allow him to lead the free world.

The greatest failure in Republican leadership, Reince Priebus, complained in a tweet that Hillary Clinton did not smile during her segment.

“@HillaryClinton was angry + defensive the entire time – no smile and uncomfortable – upset that she was caught wrongly sending our secrets.” Really?

Ms. Clinton rightfully and accurately responded on twitter.

“Actually, that’s just what taking the office of President seriously looks like.”

Trump continues to believe that becoming the President of the United States is a joke. He has no plan for national security, and no concern for the future of America. Trump is an opportunist who will do anything to further his personal ambitions.

Trump failed to offer a single concrete idea to protect our nation and its people. A buffoon continues to seek the Presidency of the United States.

If any sane American believes that a man who hates America; who believes that white supremacy is the future of our nation; who actually intends to deport more than eleven million undocumented immigrants; who believes that using nuclear weapons is acceptable; if this is a man who any true patriot can support, you might seek the counsel of a psychiatrist.

Fourteen months of the real Trump cannot be replaced by two months of choreographed scripts by his campaign staff. Trump has been a racist and bigot all of his life. His intellect is in question as well as his reason for seeking the presidency.

He may not be the “sharpest tool in the shed,” but even Trump must know that he cannot be effective as our nation’s leader.

If you are afraid of giving the most unqualified candidate in history an opportunity to lead our nation; please re-post. Thank you.


By James Turnage


Photo Courtesy of DonkeyHotey

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