Trump Takes a Knife to a Gun Fight


There is an old adage that says “never take a knife to a gun fight.” This is apropos to Donald Trump’s only tactics in his battle with Hillary Clinton for the White House. Clinton is the most experienced candidate in history, and has a full arsenal of facts and proposals related to the presidency. Trump is unarmed with the exception of attacking the former Secretary of State with lies and innuendos. Trump’s greatest weakness is the man himself. He knows nothing about being in government, and little about anything else.

His latest attack claims that Hillary Clinton traded Nuclear information for civilian use to India in exchange for a large donation to the Clinton Foundation. But he didn’t stop there. He says that her foreign policy has cost our nation thousands of lives, and by the way, she is responsible for ISIS. Really?

Although he won’t tell us the details of his ‘foreign policy,’ we know a few facts. His own words tell us that he ‘likes war,’ and that he would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons. He denounces our allies but wants to be close friends with Vladimir Putin, and Kim Jong-un. Just yesterday he fumbled a statement about Great Britain leaving the European Union because he knows nothing about the ramifications.

If there is any truth to his accusations relating to India, we’ll know in a day or two. Previous “facts” about other issues stated by Trump were proven to be completely false. Trump has no sense of morality, and because he has no facts in his arsenal to debate with Hillary Clinton, he cannot challenge her on the issues.

It’s almost laughable that he links Ms. Clinton and ISIS. He obviously has no knowledge of history. I’m certain that he doesn’t know the difference between Sunnis and Shiites, and probably Iran or Iraq. He knows as much about the Middle East as he knows about our nation’s government and the domestic problems facing the next president.

A note to Donald Trump: “Your desperation is showing. Your campaign is failing and running out of money. You fired your campaign manager to appease your children. You have no facts to support your accusations against Ms. Clinton. Your spray-tan appears as artificial as your personality. 70 percent of the American people disapprove of you as a candidate and a man. Maybe it’s time for you to hide in your golden tower and remove yourself from the public eye. Every time you open your mouth you embarrass yourself more. America has no need for your type of person, and we certainly don’t want you.”


By James Turnage


Photo Courtesy of DonkeyHotey

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