Republicans Continue to Leave the Party Because of Trump


It’s a story that is growing every day. While hypocrites such as John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and others are supporting a Donald Trump presidency, true Republicans are leaving the party. They refuse to be represented by the racist and bigot who is now the standard bearer of the GOP.

The latest is a household name for those of us who follow politics closely. George Will is a Pulitzer Prize winning author, columnist, and commentator. He is well known for his pithy comments issued from a conservative point of view. Typically Will: “Football is a mistake. It combines the two worst elements of American life. Violence and committee meetings:” “The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised.”

He has renounced his membership in the Republican Party in Maryland, and is now “unaffiliated.” He told the crowd: “This is not my party.” Will stated his disdain for Donald Trump, and said is only concern is to “make sure he loses.”

For over a year I have been asking where my Republican Party has gone. As a true Independent, I need them to be a viable part of our nation’s political system. I rejected all 16 passengers in the clown car, and its driver, Donald Trump. I may not have always agreed with Mr. Will’s opinions, but I acknowledged that they were based on reason and substance.

The Republican Convention in Cleveland begins in just 23 days. Who else will distance themselves from a Faux-Republican Party which is ready to allow a buffoon to receive the party’s nomination for the highest office in our nation? While many Republicans in name only, who continue to hold office support Trump, real Republicans who remain principled and support the once Grand Old Party are refusing to prostitute themselves purely for the sake of the party. They believe that America comes first.

During the many years required to create “Trumpenstein,” Republican leadership should have been working to move their party forward into the 21st century. Ignoring all other demographics than special interests owned by white, rich, old men has forced a predictable implosion. Moving too far to the right and bowing to extremists has allowed the worst candidate in history to be the leader of a once revered and essential party.

I cannot blame Mitt Romney, the Bush family, and others for refusing to attend the convention. The scene inside and outside of Quicken Loans Arena will likely be disturbing, angry, and divisive.

Mr. Will is to be commended for following his conscience. If only others had done the same I would not be writing this article; Trump would not be the presumptive candidate of the GOP.


By James Turnage


Photo Courtesy of Gage Skidmore

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