Love Pink Snow? Another Sign of the End


The belief that climate change caused by man is ignored by only a single group of men and women around the world; the Republican Party. Everywhere signs prove that change is occurring, and the result will be the destruction of our planet and its people. More than at any other location on the planet, the proof is in the arctic. Glaziers are melting at an increasing rate as the seas rise. Pink snow in the region signifies a chemical reaction of algae which enhances the melt.

Throughout the Republican “debates” there was a single constant; the candidates lied to the American people claiming that ISIS is the greatest danger to the world. This band of thugs falsely claiming to act based on religious belief can be destroyed if the will of the world decides that it is a priority.

Truth must be told. The greatest danger to the world is climate change. The time is near when the changes will be irreversible.

The Republican Party has never denied that it is the party of the wealthy. The truth is that they couldn’t, even if they wanted to do so. The only reason that the GOP is the only group in the world who denies climate change is the continued support of its owners. The largest polluters of the environment are those who use fossil fuels to increase profits. The second worst is big oil and gas.

The latest process for obtaining crude and natural gas is called ‘fracking,’ and is the most dangerous mining process ever created. The mixture used in the process contains more than 600 chemicals, some of which are carcinogenic. Each operation adds to the pollution of underground water supplies and the soil.

Less than five-percent of the world’s scientists deny climate change, and they work for some of the largest polluters.

Cotton candy colored snow may be pleasing to the eye, but it is another sign of our planet’s ultimate destruction.

Organized religion should be at the forefront of the battle to save our world. The Bible tells us that God created man to be the caretakers of His animals and nature. Today’s “pretend Christians” are more involved with the control of the Republican Party than practicing the supposed word of God.

There is no more proof for me that voters were terribly mistaken when they elected Representatives and Senators than when I see a Republican deny climate change. They discuss a blizzard in the east, and foolishly mock the storm as they claim that climate change is a hoax. The fact is that an exceptionally large blizzard is caused by changes to our environment.  Climate change increases the severity of all types of weather.

Our nation’s people have been brainwashed to accept droughts in the west and severe snowstorms, hurricanes, and a greater number of tornadoes in other parts of the nation as normal. As the seas continue to rise, replacing the shoreline, the people of the world will begin to accept this phenomenon as normal too.

It has often been said that if a politician opens his mouth, he is lying. Sad, but true.


By James Turnage


Photo Courtesy of Örvar Atli Þorgeirsson –

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